
Daron's Burger Sandwiches

Daron, Deanna, Lorena and Julie did an impromptu visit early one Sunday morning. Hobbit and I only managed to brush our teeth the minute they reached our apartment door. I opened the fridge and found that we had enough ingredients to put a burger sandwich together. Knowing that I have in my house someone who is good at preparing food, I asked Daron to be the chef of the day!

So here are the ingredients he used:

1. Whole wheat bread
2. Sliced cheese
3. Lettuce
4. Tomatoes
5. Chicken burger
6. Butter
7. pepper
8. Tomato/chili sauce (optional)

Prepare the bread, spread some butter to the bread, bake the burgers, slice the burgers horizontally into half, slice the tomatoes, wash the lettuce, put everything together, sprinkle some pepper on to the burgers, bake the prepared sandwiches and viola!

That easy!

Thanks a lot for the scrumptious breakfast Daron. Good luck with your next journey!


daronloo said...


yay! nanti we must masak masa again ye... :D

Deanna Beryl said...

one of my fave sandwiches! i mean cmon it was fulfilling AND HEALTHY.

woot wooott!!!

Hobbit Wife said...

Daron, kau sungguh ada potential untuk menjadi seorang chef! :)

Dee, I totally agree! :)

Lorena said...

i really love those sandwiches..i think i can sapu all if there was another tray..hehehe..no need lah..malu =P

thanks aims, for inviting us over that morning :D

Hobbit Wife said...

Sorry lah Tina, satu tray only. Haha! Next time we make bertray-tray for each. Senang sajakan if got Daron! Haha!