
Cuban Cocktail: Mojito

How many of you have tried Mojito? Well, if you like juices that are made from herbs and other leafy stuff, you might want to try this. It's a Cuban cocktail and it is great for a hot summer day or even when enjoying your day with friends over a meal. This recipe is provided by Ben Kurtzman from food.About.com.

Mojito Ingredients:

  • Fresh mint
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 lime
  • 2 ounces light rum
  • Ginger ale
  • Ice

Preparing Mojito Ingredients
We are going to start by crushing the mint and the sugar in a mortar and pestle. Mortar and pestles are great for crushing garlic and herbs, they are fairly inexpensive, and you can pick them up at just about any kitchen store.

When you are making a mojito you can use as much fresh mint as you want. I would start with a minimum of 5 or 6 leaves. Mixing the mint leaves with the sugar creates kind of a paste, and the reason we do this is so that it will mix in much more smoothly with the liquids and when we take a sip it will not be grainy.

Crushing Mint Leaves
It is important to be patient when you are crushing the mint leaves. It may take few minutes, but it really is the best way to bring out the natural juices in the mint. And it may be a stretch, but it almost looks like pesto when you are done with it.
Mojito Sugar Paste
I am going to take my mint sugar paste and put it in the glass that I am going to use for my drink. Next we are going to work with the lime. We are going to cut it in half and use half of it for juice, and the other half will be garnish.

Add Final Ingredients
Next, we are going to add the rum and the ice, and finally we are going to top it off with a little bit of ginger ale. Now I am going to give it a quick stir to get everything mixed properly, and we are going to add a lime garnish, and it will be ready to enjoy.

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